Stewardship Campaign 2025

It’s time to consider our individual commitments once again through our annual pledge drive. As Congregationalists, we each bring our unique strengths and talents in the life of our church. Each of us represents a piece of the Meadowbrook puzzle – and Together We Are One!

We’ll be learning more about Meadowbrook ministries in special “Spotlight Moments” during Worship, and afterwards, we’ll be featuring the various ministries of our church at a table in the Fellowship Hall. Stop on by to learn more about the many ministries of Meadowbrook and the ways each piece of the puzzle fits together by using the blessings God has given each of us. This is a great way to learn more about ministries and to get involved.

If you haven’t already, you’ll soon be receiving materials in the mail, including an estimate of giving card (extra copies are in the narthex @ Meadowbrook). If you have pledged in the past, please consider increasing your pledge this year to help meet rising expenses. If you have not pledged before, please consider doing so. Your financial commitment today enables our Trustees to plan for responsible use of our resources throughout 2025.

There are 3 easy ways to pledge:
1) Complete a pledge card and bring it with you to Worship on Sunday morning.
2) Complete a pledge card and mail it back to the church office:
21355 Meadowbrook Rd., Novi, MI 48375.
3) Submit an electronic pledge card by clicking this link.

Meadowbrook Congregational Church is an amazing congregation with an abundance of gifts and talents. When we combine our talents, together we are one in the church. Thank you for your support!

Your Stewardship Ministry Team,
Cathy Blackmer, Heidi Boyd, Pastor Joel Boyd, Michele Fecht, Colleen Foster, and Carol Riddell

Click here for an electronic Estimate of Giving card.