to support
With your support, Meadowbrook can continue our mission to our community!
If you’d prefer to give using a card of your choosing or with PayPal, simply click Donate in the box on the left!
If you shop with Amazon, you can link your account to Meadowbrook and generate funds for the church from your purchases. Click the Amazon icon above and log in with your Amazon ID and password. Follow the instructions to designate Meadowbrook Congregational Church as the charity you support. Whenever you shop, go to smile.amazon.com (instead of amazon.com). It is still Amazon; there will be no difference in your shopping experience and no extra cost to you.
Gift cards are bought at & worth their face value, but Meadowbrook benefits from any purchases with the card! To buy Scrip gift cards, click the card icon above, fill out the the form, and return it to the church's office with payment.
Kroger Community Rewards Program
If you are not currently enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards Program, we encourage you to do so and associate your Plus Card with Meadowbrook Congregational Church. With your Kroger Plus Card, you earn generate support for Meadowbrook when you shop at Kroger. Each quarter, the church receives a check (usually between $75 and $100) from Kroger that represents what our members and friends have spent. If you are not enrolled in this reward program and wish to join, contact your nearest Kroger store or go to their website.